Intelligence that moves your Business forward
For sophisticated private investors and public, raw information is no longer tolerated and high-quality research is merely essential to justifying investment decisions and is a vital safety net for you as an Investment Promotion Authorities-Agencies.
Not only you have to comprehend these additional requirements, but you do also need to provide first class evidence of this extra due diligence in a language that is well concise and unambiguous to the investment community.
This can turn into a huge and complex dilemma where the requisite breadth of knowledge is not always at the Rendezvous even for specialists.
Years Experience
Chado IPA is a privately owned Investment Promotion Agency well specialized in “Economic &/or Investment Intelligence”
We go above and beyond your expectations by transforming and processing the Economic information into an Investment Intelligence.
Economic Intelligence is generally defined as any information related to forecasting and advisory services to assist entrepreneurs, financiers and government officials.
EI means smart information management in order to know, understand and anticipate the outside environment, (key competitors, rules, stakes, trends, country, industry and risk analyses…) to prevent risks, particularly in immaterial fields, and to exert ethical influence.
Whilst, Investment Intelligence armed you with enough weapons such us index analysis, market timing indicator, financial insights, in-depth research and analysis through a scientific approach to the edge of the actual investment promotion war.
Foreign direct investment is critical for developing and emerging market countries.
Domestic investment is one of the most important economic processes that countries attach great importance to as one of the most important components of the economic growth of the country and the main engine of the economic cycle.
The concept of intelligence comes from military circles and dates back to Roman times.
To use a private company analogy, the role of aftercare is equivalent to that of after-sales services, aimed at enhancing customer satisfaction and encouraging “repeat purchases”.
We believe that When everyone believes something is risky, their unwillingness to buy usually reduces the price to the point where it’s not risky
The pioneer in this industry is here to provide you with all the support needed for your surviving throughout the increasing complexity of this sector where investors have grown their appetite for safety and returns. They tend to become brighter who have a keen understanding of the importance of good and accurate information, as intelligent means to limit risk and maximize potential returns.
We define Investment Intelligence as a knowledge management’s concept whose ultimate goal is to produce added value, in two steps: transform information into knowledge and knowledge into sustainable added value.