The type of industries that we do most often target vary considerably.
The most commonly identified industries belong to the broad category of basic manufacturing, which includes such diverse activities as textiles, clothing and automotive industries.
The second most frequently mentioned industry group comprises more advanced manufacturing with high technology, electronics and biotechnology as important sub industries.
FDI in natural resources is less chosen as a target sector. Still, more than 40 per cent of the surveyed agencies include natural resources among the priority list of industries. Various service-related industries appear in between FDI in manufacturing and primary industries.
In most situations, all sectors are vital. To be effective, throughout our Diagnostic stage, we do identify 6 different sectors where FDIs will be driven towards.
3 Major Sectors or 3 Weaken Sectors.
According to the choice of the partner, our efforts will be mostly put either the 3 major sectors to strengthen them so the partner will be among the leading countries in these specific sectors of activities.
Or the partner can choose to focus on the 3 weaken sectors of activities to make them better and gain sustainable contribution to the country GDP. Either way, CIPA does operate effectively by targeting 3 leading sectors to promote initially chosen and validate by the partner.